Paediatric telehealth consultations with medicare rebates for babies, children and teens in Queensland and beyond
See a specialist paediatrician online from the comfort of your home
Telehealth consultations can be conducted from your own home or doctor's surgery. (Not currently available for new patients/referrals.)
During the COVID-19 pandemic medicare rebates have been extended subject to certain conditions. (existing patients only.)
Patients from QLD and NSW only (not accepting referrals for other states.)
Telehealth: frequently asked questions
What equipment do I need?
The following equipment is needed for a telehealth consultation, either at your home or in your GP’s surgery:
A computer with internet connection
An attached or inbuilt web camera
How do I make a booking?
Obtain a referral from your GP as you normally would to see a specialist.
Regional and remote families can check eligibility here
Ring 07 5564 9668 to make an appointment and find out if medicare rebate is available for your online consultation.
What does it cost?
Regional families: The government has provided subsidies to make it easier for regional and country families to access good paediatric care. This makes online consultations less expensive than standard consultations. The specialists at Leading Steps all have slightly different billing arrangements. Please call 07 55649668 for a free quote.
Non regional families: Different billing rates depend on consultation and paediatrician. Standard medicare rebate applies. Please enquire about costs when making appointment. More telehealth consultations are available due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
What if prefer a face-to-face consultation?
Online consultations are a service for families who might find it hard to access great paediatric care where they live, or because of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
If you would prefer to visit our clinic please call 07 5564 9668 to make an appointment.